Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Yokohama is Awesome

Today I decided to do a day trip to the nearest big city to us, Yokohama. You might've heard of the brand of rims/tires or whatever. Well first and foremost, thank God I know a little bit of Japanese. If I didn't spit out some of the little I knew it would've been a long night. The train system is pretty easy. You buy these cards called "Pasmo" and load it up with money. You use them at some jiffy stores like 7-11 and AmPm (Yes they have those here!) Most importanly you use them to pay your train fare. You simply wave your wallet with the card in it over a square and it automaticly charges your fare after you exit the gate. Shopping in Yokohama is something else. Take just about any mall you've ever been to, then triple it. That's only the shopping in the Yokohama train station. The mall at the station was 10 stories. The floors weren't tiny, but neither were the prices. In the base level there was an entire food market selling fresh dango, sushi, meats, fish and aside from that an entire grocery store! Keep in mind this is just the base level of the Station mall. Inside the second book store I went to they were playing Ghostbusters on the intercom lol. The First book store I spoke my broken japanese trying to get a dictionary that had japanese in Romijai (the romanization of japanese words.) Couldn't find it so we moved on. We left the station mall and walked down the road a bit and found an arcade/resturant. Much to my dismay they didn't have DDR, so I left. Further down I saw a computer store and I just had to go. Honestly I wasn't impressed with it, they had a couple of cool models but they were slightly priced higher than what you all would buy at. So we hit up another shopping area, called Landmark Tower. There was so many things there I couldn't start. I will tell you though we ate at Wendy's! Surprisingly enough, it's priced just like it is in the US and tastes the same too! Went all around, spoke some more broke-ass japanese and decided to leave the monolith that was Landmark Tower shopping. Walking down the road I saw a sign for "Nippon-Meru Park" I figured why the hell not. It was the park where that famous ferris wheel was at. But before we got there, a street performer was set up in front of the mall by the Hard Rock (you'll see in the pics.) As soon as he noticed us "gaijin" he was pretty adamant about having us watch is show. He was amusing, and fairly talented. Then he started to pull people from the audience. He picked me. Slightly confused, nervous, and excited all at the same time I go up there. The six of us were pulling a rope 3 on each side, while he balanced on it and juggled small sharp swords lol. So yeah, I took part in a Japanese Street performance After that we decided to walk around a little bit in the park, we didn't get to far for me to notice an arcade. YOSH! (means alright) I found a DDR machine. I played a quick game, impressed some japanese which made me feel good. Then the place started to close up. That's when we headed back home. On the train home I found a sign saying how to play tetris, I had to take a pic of it lol. And now here I am. There's SO much more I could type about one simple afternoon, but I'm exhaused. Y'all have fun. I'll be having mine

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