Saturday, August 9, 2008

Japan So far

Honestly I haven't had much of a chance to go out and experience Japan too much. I'm on what's called "white card liberty" where I have to be back at base by midnight. Last night was really fun though. I got drunk at a little bar (apparently most bars in Japan are little) and did karaoke in it's country of origin. We drank, we screamed, we tried to sing and had a good night. For those of you who don't know, Japan is VERY different from the USA. The way they drive, the way they interact, and everything else. Gas is even more expensive, but cars are cheaper. Vending machines are all over the place in random spots, serving some strange shit. They have coffee that has nicotene in it! I'll be climbing Mt. Fuji on the 16th, so I'm looking forward to that. Sometime that weekend I'll also be going to Akibahara, otaku capital of the world! I'll be updating all I've experienced on here, and those of you who messaged me sorry for not getting back to you, I'm not on my computer so much. Have fun y'all

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