Sunday, September 21, 2008

One of the best nights ever

First of all the night wasn't awesome til the very end. My friend Will and I decided to goto Yokohama (I really like that place) and do whatever. Well the night started with us exiting the wrong side of the train station. But that wasn't without merit. We ended up in a small bar (as most bars in Japan are.) All wood decor, old school music, decent priced drinks, it made for a very relaxing enviornment. Well after tasting alcohol on my lips I felt like drinking alot, but it didn't happen like that. We ended up wandering around forever looking for the bar I went to the last time I was in Yokohama. I did find the European pub, but not the steely, trendy place with cheese. After wondering for some more we ended up in some place called "Sea Port Pub." It felt like an average Japanese bar, except they didn't have vodka (boo!) So I settled for whisky, we drank two drinks and sang karaoke. After that we got our check, a un fucking believeable ¥9600!!! That' damn near $100! Apparently the charged us for service, karaoke, and seating in addition the the high priced drinks! Fuck them! We paid our tab out of fear of getting arrested. We left with our pockets thin and our heads hung low. I still had ¥2000 and some change, so I offered to flip the next couple drinks while we searched for an ATM. Wandering some more, we found a sign that said "Orange County Bros." subtitled "Rock, Country, Blues, Jazz" I think. So we traveled up a few flights of stairs to a place that looked like a teenager's garage. Memorabilia, posters, and shabby furniture were strewn about. In addition to all that, there had to've been $1000's in equipment there. Well as soon as we walked in everyone stopped doing what they were doing and looked at us, talk about akward. So I asked "Ii des ka?" litreally meaning "is it ok?" they have us come in. There were some talented people playing. As soon as I came in and sat down, they offered a guitar to me. After a couple of seconds of getting egged on I accept. This was like nothing that's ever happened before in my life. The bassist, guitarist, and drummer are looking at me waiting. I strike a couple of repedetive chords and they follow with a much more elaborate, funky, and amazing rendition. The guitarist was incredible, the drummer was perfect, and the bassist was equally as incredible. I was jamming out with a random Japanese band, I couldn't believe this was happnening. It was like a dream. After a couple of ad-lib'ed songs I sit, still in shock. With my broken Japanese and their broken English, we managed to get the point across what we were trying to communicate. After talking with the people there, and drinking a couple of drinks they have me come back up and sing too! lol I figured since they couldn't understand me any shit could do. I guess it did. So I jammed out a little more, sang a tiny bit. These people were so kind to us, they even fed us some Udon. The whole experience was like something out of a movie or a manga. After all that was said and done we were invited to a concert that one of the guy's bands is taking part in. I plan on swinging by the place more often anyway. After all that was said and done, we left in search of more cigarettes and some coffee. At this point it was past 4AM. We got on the first train back to Sagamino Sta. (the closest station to the base) Ate beef bowl. then called it a day. That was one of the best nights of my life.